Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Power of Visualization

Posted by Ms. Insane at 3:45 PM
So, I it's mid-January and I haven't achieved anything yet. I still have no job and no money and I am totally and literally going insane! I know it is me who can only help me, so after this post, I really just have to do something. Something productive and something that I can earn money with. Haha!

Last night, I was browsing through my Facebook homepage when I saw a previous co-worker uploaded some pictures that describes what she wants to acquire for this year. I am impressed and I agree to what she believes in: The Power of Visualization.

It is a principle where one should own the things he or she wanted to have or wanted to be. Let say for example, instead of saying I want to have a car this year, you should say, "This black 2010 Audi is mine." It is something like that. If you want to get something, you just have to visualize how does it exactly look like and declare it to be yours. Own it!

So after, liking her post, I have decided to revisit what I have written here. And here are the things that I WILL HAVE AND I WILL BE IN 2011.

1. Salon and Spa Business

It's gonna open at the second half of this year. It has 4 styling stations, 2 nail stations, 1 shower station and 1 massage station. I will, of course, tell you when the renovation has already started. =)

The other priorities I have listed are non-material so I have to omit them and replace them with the things I really really wanted to have this year. So here are the others:

2. Nikon D5000

I guess you guys deserve better pictures, right? =)

3. Iphone 4 ~ my Nokia N81 already needed its break... =)

4, Ipad 32G

Eversince Apple released its new gadgets, I have always wanted to get one, but its prices are holding me back. I always end up with gadgets that has much cheaper price because, well, they are much cheaper. Boo! Haha! But never did I feel satisfied with them because I know what I really want. So this year, I am giving myself these things. Period. Ahi! =)

5. Shopping. Shopping. Shopping. Shopping. Shopping. Shopping.
Who doesn't want to go shopping? In 2010, I have deprived myself from new clothes, new bags, new shoes, new makeups, and I think it's one of the reasons why I became Ms. Insane. So in 2011, I am going all out! But not to the point I am going to spend everything! Promise! =)

6. Travel. Travel. Travel. 
I didn't go anywhere last year, so this year, I am making sure to be able to travel before the year ends.

I will go here:
... and here:
7. Lose weight. 

Like many other girls writing their goals for a new year, I, myself, would also want to shed some pounds off. I gained a lot of weight last year so I have to take them off. And we're talking about 20lbs.

Go green with me this year... err.. can it just be, slightly green?  =)

8. Earn lots of moolah!
I know, I know! I can't have all the things I have listed here if I don't have enough money. So I am earning lots of cash starting this year.

9. Save money.

It has been written in the previous post that I have to save at least 20,000 this year and I am sticking to it. That's the reason why I need to earn lots of moolah. That's for me to be able to buy and do the things I want and save money at the same time. I don't want to experience having nothing in my purse, ever again!

10. Time for family. 
I don't think I have given it all in the past years. I am not living with my parents and I am honestly spending less time with them. Since my father is not getting any younger, I think it's about time to spend time with them some more. =)

How do you think will I be able to achieve them all? All I need is a:

WELL-BALANCED LIFE that I know, is hard to achieve. But many other people has been successful in attaining it. So why can't I? It'll definitely be hard at first but will absolutely be beneficial not only for me, but for all the people around me and cares for me. =)

 A part of having a well-balanced life is having time for your spiritual side of self. And through Him, I am pretty sure, everything's gonna fall to its right place.

So that's it! It's been a long post. This has been a great time-killer and realization that's why I am encouraging you to try it as well!

I am leaving you the following tips:
1. Define your goals. - What do you want to achieve this year? What are you looking forward to at the end of 2011?
2. Visualize your goals. - Be specific. If you can paint them in your head, then go ahead! It is better if you find pictures in the Internet (just like what I did), print them and post it on your walls. It is better if you always see them so you won't forget what you are working for and have something to look forward to. =)
3. Own them. - Do not say, it is hard or it is expensive or it is impossible. You have to believe first that you can achieve them or else, nothing will happen.

Remember, you have to believe in your dreams and you have to believe that you can DO IT.


NOTE: The pictures used in this post are not mine but used them through Google. If you think those pictures are yours and you want them to remove them, just leave me a message. =)


Ms. Insane on January 29, 2011 at 1:52 AM said...

test comment... =)

Jack on July 10, 2014 at 6:36 PM said...

Hats off to you! You wrote great on "The Power of Visualization". Indeed, I am impressed so much after reading your complete post. THANKS ! KEEP POSTING!
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